Desktop Ranking Probabilities - trademark process timeline - en US - 2023-03-02 19:33 ( 10 samples )


Top 20 Topics

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Questions used across top search results:

Avg Rank URL Odds Chart Rankings
0.0,as%20long%20as%20it%20does. 100%, 100% @ #0, worst case 0 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
1.0 100%, 100% @ #1, worst case 1 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
2.0 70%, 100% @ #2, worst case 2 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,2,2,2,X,2,X,2,2,2
2.7 100%, 70% @ #3, worst case 3 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 2,3,3,3,2,3,2,3,3,3
3.7 100%, 70% @ #4, worst case 4 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 3,4,4,4,3,4,3,4,4,4
4.7 100%, 70% @ #5, worst case 5 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 4,5,5,5,4,5,4,5,5,5
5.7 100%, 70% @ #6, worst case 6 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 5,6,6,6,5,6,5,6,6,6
6.7 100%, 70% @ #7, worst case 7 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 6,7,7,7,6,7,6,7,7,7
7.7 100%, 70% @ #8, worst case 8 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 7,8,8,8,7,8,7,8,8,8
8.7 100%, 70% @ #9, worst case 9 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 8,9,9,9,8,9,8,9,9,9
10.1 100%, 90% @ #10, worst case 11 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 10,11,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
10.3 100%, 60% @ #11, worst case 11 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 9,10,11,11,9,11,9,11,11,11
11.8 100%, 60% @ #12, worst case 13 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 11,12,12,12,11,12,11,13,12,12
12.9 70%, 86% @ #13, worst case 13 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,13,13,13,X,13,X,12,13,13
13.4 100%, 70% @ #14, worst case 14 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 12,14,14,14,12,14,12,14,14,14
14.4 100%, 70% @ #15, worst case 15 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 13,15,15,15,13,15,13,15,15,15
15.4 100%, 70% @ #16, worst case 16 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 14,16,16,16,14,16,14,16,16,16
16.4 100%, 70% @ #17, worst case 17 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 15,17,17,17,15,17,15,17,17,17
17.4 100%, 70% @ #18, worst case 18 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 16,18,18,18,16,18,16,18,18,18
18.2 50%, 60% @ #19, worst case 19 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 17,19,X,X,X,19,17,X,X,19
18.9 100%, 40% @ #19, worst case 20 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 18,20,19,19,17,20,18,19,19,20
20.5 100%, 50% @ #20, worst case 23 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 20,23,20,20,18,21,20,21,20,22
20.8 50%, 40% @ #19, worst case 23 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 19,21,X,X,X,22,19,X,X,23
21.6 100%, 60% @ #21, worst case 25 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 21,22,21,21,25,23,21,20,21,21
23.3 100%, 40% @ #23, worst case 25 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 24,25,23,23,20,24,24,23,23,24
24.0 50%, 40% @ #23, worst case 25 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 23,24,X,X,X,25,23,X,X,25
25.3 100%, 50% @ #27, worst case 27 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 27,27,25,25,21,27,27,22,25,27
25.3 100%, 40% @ #24, worst case 29 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 25,29,24,24,24,26,25,26,24,26
26.4 100%, 40% @ #26, worst case 29 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 28,26,26,26,22,29,28,24,26,29
27.0 100%, 50% @ #22, worst case 38 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 22,38,22,22,19,36,22,33,22,34
27.0 10%, 100% @ #27, worst case 27 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,27,X,X,X,X,X
27.1 100%, 30% @ #27, worst case 29 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 29,28,27,27,23,28,29,25,27,28
27.4 50%, 60% @ #28, worst case 28 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,28,28,26,X,X,27,28,X
28.8 60%, 33% @ #26, worst case 32 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 26,30,X,X,X,32,26,28,X,31
29.8 80%, 50% @ #30, worst case 31 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 30,31,29,29,X,30,30,X,29,30
30.7 100%, 40% @ #30, worst case 33 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 31,32,30,30,30,31,31,29,30,33
31.7 100%, 40% @ #32, worst case 35 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 32,35,31,31,28,33,32,32,31,32
33.0 80%, 38% @ #32, worst case 35 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 33,33,32,32,X,34,33,X,32,35
33.3 100%, 30% @ #33, worst case 37 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 34,34,33,33,29,37,34,30,33,36
36.0 50%, 60% @ #35, worst case 38 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 35,37,X,X,X,35,35,X,X,38
36.3 100%, 30% @ #34, worst case 43 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 43,36,34,34,32,39,43,31,34,37
37.4 100%, 30% @ #36, worst case 43 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 38,42,36,36,31,43,38,35,36,39
37.8 50%, 40% @ #36, worst case 40 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 36,39,X,X,X,38,36,X,X,40
38.0 100%, 30% @ #37, worst case 42 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 39,40,37,37,33,42,39,34,37,42
38.2 100%, 30% @ #35, worst case 44 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 40,44,35,35,34,41,40,37,35,41
39.8 50%, 40% @ #37, worst case 44 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 37,41,X,X,X,40,37,X,X,44
40.7 100%, 30% @ #38, worst case 46 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 42,46,38,38,36,44,42,40,38,43
40.8 100%, 30% @ #40, worst case 46 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 41,43,40,40,35,46,41,36,40,46
41.7 100%, 30% @ #39, worst case 47 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 44,47,39,39,37,45,44,38,39,45
43.9 100%, 30% @ #43, worst case 49 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 45,45,43,43,39,49,45,39,43,48
44.8 100%, 30% @ #42, worst case 49 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 47,49,41,42,43,48,47,42,42,47
45.5 100%, 30% @ #45, worst case 50 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 46,48,45,45,40,50,46,41,45,49
47.5 100%, 40% @ #46, worst case 51 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 48,50,46,46,44,51,48,46,46,50
48.3 100%, 30% @ #47, worst case 53 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 50,52,47,47,42,53,50,44,47,51
49.1 100%, 30% @ #48, worst case 53 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 49,51,48,48,46,52,49,47,48,53
49.1 100%, 30% @ #55, worst case 55 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 53,55,44,44,45,55,53,43,44,55
49.8 60%, 33% @ #51, worst case 54 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 51,53,X,X,38,54,51,X,X,52
51.0 80%, 25% @ #56, worst case 58 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 56,57,42,41,X,58,56,X,41,57
52.6 100%, 30% @ #50, worst case 59 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 57,59,50,50,41,59,57,45,50,58
53.5 100%, 30% @ #51, worst case 59 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 55,58,51,51,50,57,55,48,51,59
54.3 90%, 33% @ #60, worst case 60 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 52,54,60,60,X,47,52,50,60,54
55.2 50%, 60% @ #56, worst case 56 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 54,56,X,X,X,56,54,X,X,56
55.9 100%, 30% @ #53, worst case 61 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 58,61,53,53,51,60,58,52,53,60
58.0 80%, 38% @ #49, worst case 66 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 62,63,49,49,X,66,62,X,49,64
58.5 80%, 38% @ #52, worst case 65 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 61,62,52,52,X,65,61,X,52,63
59.7 100%, 30% @ #66, worst case 68 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 66,67,56,56,47,68,66,49,56,66
59.8 100%, 30% @ #54, worst case 69 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 65,69,54,54,53,62,65,61,54,61
60.2 50%, 40% @ #59, worst case 62 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 59,60,X,X,X,61,59,X,X,62
60.2 100%, 30% @ #55, worst case 68 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 63,66,55,55,61,63,63,53,55,68
61.1 100%, 30% @ #57, worst case 69 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 67,68,57,57,49,69,67,51,57,69
62.5 80%, 38% @ #64, worst case 67 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 64,64,58,58,X,67,64,X,58,67
62.8 50%, 40% @ #65, worst case 65 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 60,65,X,X,X,64,60,X,X,65
64.2 100%, 30% @ #62, worst case 71 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 68,71,62,62,52,70,68,57,62,70
65.1 100%, 30% @ #59, worst case 75 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 72,74,59,59,54,75,72,54,59,73
67.1 100%, 30% @ #75, worst case 77 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 75,76,61,61,55,77,75,55,61,75
67.7 100%, 30% @ #74, worst case 76 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 74,75,63,63,57,76,74,58,63,74
68.8 100%, 30% @ #64, worst case 78 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 76,77,64,64,56,78,76,56,64,77
70.4 50%, 40% @ #69, worst case 72 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 69,72,X,X,X,71,69,X,X,71
70.9 100%, 30% @ #66, worst case 79 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 77,78,66,66,60,79,77,62,66,78
71.0 100%, 30% @ #67, worst case 81 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 78,81,67,67,48,80,78,68,67,76
71.1 100%, 30% @ #65, worst case 81 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 79,79,65,65,58,81,79,60,65,80
71.2 50%, 60% @ #69, worst case 76 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,69,69,73,X,X,76,69,X
72.0 50%, 40% @ #71, worst case 73 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 71,73,X,X,X,73,71,X,X,72
72.2 50%, 60% @ #70, worst case 79 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 70,70,X,X,X,72,70,X,X,79
73.4 100%, 30% @ #68, worst case 84 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 81,83,68,68,59,84,81,59,68,83
76.0 100%, 30% @ #70, worst case 86 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 83,85,70,70,63,86,83,65,70,85
76.2 100%, 30% @ #73, worst case 85 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 82,84,73,73,62,85,82,64,73,84
76.2 50%, 40% @ #73, worst case 81 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 73,80,X,X,X,74,73,X,X,81
77.0 100%, 30% @ #71, worst case 87 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 84,86,71,71,64,87,84,66,71,86
78.0 100%, 30% @ #72, worst case 88 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 85,87,72,72,65,88,85,67,72,87
78.2 60%, 50% @ #82, worst case 82 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 80,82,X,X,X,82,80,63,X,82
79.4 100%, 30% @ #74, worst case 89 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 86,88,74,74,66,89,86,69,74,88
79.5 60%, 50% @ #82, worst case 83 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,82,82,75,83,X,73,82,X
81.2 100%, 30% @ #76, worst case 91 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 88,90,76,76,67,91,88,70,76,90
82.0 10%, 100% @ #82, worst case 82 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,82,X,X
82.2 100%, 30% @ #77, worst case 92 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 89,91,77,77,68,92,89,71,77,91
83.0 10%, 100% @ #83, worst case 83 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,83,X,X
83.0 20%, 50% @ #81, worst case 85 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,81,X,X,85,X,X
83.2 100%, 30% @ #78, worst case 93 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 90,92,78,78,69,93,90,72,78,92
83.4 80%, 38% @ #75, worst case 90 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 87,89,75,75,X,90,87,X,75,89
83.6 50%, 60% @ #88, worst case 88 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,88,88,76,X,X,78,88,X
84.0 50%, 60% @ #86, worst case 88 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,86,86,74,X,X,88,86,X
84.6 50%, 60% @ #89, worst case 89 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,89,89,77,X,X,79,89,X
85.1 100%, 30% @ #80, worst case 95 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 92,94,80,80,70,95,92,74,80,94
85.6 50%, 60% @ #90, worst case 90 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,90,90,78,X,X,80,90,X
86.7 100%, 30% @ #81, worst case 98 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 94,96,81,81,71,98,94,75,81,96
87.0 10%, 100% @ #87, worst case 87 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,87,X,X,X,X,X
87.4 80%, 38% @ #79, worst case 94 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 91,93,79,79,X,94,91,X,79,93
87.8 40%, 75% @ #84, worst case 99 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,99,84,84,X,X,X,X,84,X
87.8 50%, 60% @ #92, worst case 92 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,92,92,79,X,X,84,92,X
88.1 100%, 30% @ #83, worst case 99 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 95,97,83,83,72,99,95,77,83,97
88.5 20%, 50% @ #87, worst case 90 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,90,X,X,87,X,X
89.0 10%, 100% @ #89, worst case 89 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,89,X,X
89.0 10%, 100% @ #89, worst case 89 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,89,X,X,X,X,X
89.4 50%, 60% @ #93, worst case 93 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,93,93,82,X,X,86,93,X
90.1 90%, 33% @ #87, worst case 99 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 96,98,87,87,80,X,96,81,87,99
90.8 90%, 33% @ #97, worst case 98 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 97,X,85,85,83,97,97,90,85,98
91.0 20%, 50% @ #88, worst case 94 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,88,X,X,94,X,X
91.0 10%, 100% @ #91, worst case 91 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,91,X,X,X,X,X
91.0 30%, 100% @ #91, worst case 91 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,91,91,X,X,X,X,91,X
91.4 50%, 60% @ #94, worst case 94 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,94,94,84,X,X,91,94,X
92.0 10%, 100% @ #92, worst case 92 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,92,X,X,X,X,X
92.4 50%, 60% @ #95, worst case 95 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,95,95,85,X,X,92,95,X
93.0 10%, 100% @ #93, worst case 93 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,93,X,X,X,X,X
93.4 50%, 60% @ #96, worst case 96 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,96,96,86,X,X,93,96,X
94.4 50%, 40% @ #93, worst case 96 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 93,95,X,X,X,96,93,X,X,95
95.0 10%, 100% @ #95, worst case 95 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,95,X,X,X,X,X
95.0 10%, 100% @ #95, worst case 95 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,95,X,X
96.2 50%, 60% @ #97, worst case 97 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,97,97,94,X,X,96,97,X
97.0 20%, 100% @ #97, worst case 97 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,97,X,X,97,X,X
97.5 40%, 75% @ #98, worst case 98 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,98,98,96,X,X,X,98,X
98.0 10%, 100% @ #98, worst case 98 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,98,X,X,X,X,X
98.0 #fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c1a837fd,vid:_Wj1RJpr4WQ 20%, 100% @ #98, worst case 98 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 98,X,X,X,X,X,98,X,X,X
98.0 10%, 100% @ #98, worst case 98 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,98,X,X
99.0 #fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ab244b93,vid:Vo_Wz62ZbeA 20%, 100% @ #99, worst case 99 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 99,X,X,X,X,X,99,X,X,X
99.0 30%, 100% @ #99, worst case 99 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,99,99,X,X,X,X,99,X
99.0 10%, 100% @ #99, worst case 99 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,X,X,X,99,X,X
100.0 20%, 100% @ #100, worst case 100 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 100,X,X,X,X,X,100,X,X,X


Time Sharing adds up to 100% or less then definitely cannibalization otherwise only might be cannibalization.

Avg Rank URL Odds Chart Rankings
27.0 10%, 100% @ #27, worst case 27 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,X,X,27,X,X,X,X,X
12.9 70%, 86% @ #13, worst case 13 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,13,13,13,X,13,X,12,13,13
100.0 20%, 100% @ #100, worst case 100 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 100,X,X,X,X,X,100,X,X,X
Avg Rank URL Odds Chart Rankings
76.2 50%, 40% @ #73, worst case 81 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 73,80,X,X,X,74,73,X,X,81
71.2 50%, 60% @ #69, worst case 76 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,X,69,69,73,X,X,76,69,X
Avg Rank URL Odds Chart Rankings
1.0 100%, 100% @ #1, worst case 1 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
0.0,as%20long%20as%20it%20does. 100%, 100% @ #0, worst case 0 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
2.0 70%, 100% @ #2, worst case 2 Your browser does not support the HTML canvas tag. X,2,2,2,X,2,X,2,2,2

Title Variance

URLAvg RankAppearance RateTitleRankings - Colorado Secretary of State - Business FAQs92,94,80,80,70,X,92,74,80,X Secretary of State – Trademarks - Business FAQsX,X,X,X,X,95,X,X,X,94

Description Variance

URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings 30, 2021 - The process to register trademarks tends to be time-consuming and can span over a year. Due to the various stages that a trademark application ...X,30,X,X,X,32,X,28,X,31 process to register trademarks tends to be time-consuming and can span over a year. Due to the various stages that a trademark application must undergo, the ...26,X,X,X,X,X,26,X,X,X
URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings application for the trademark can be filed within a few days and you can start using the “TM” symbol. And the time required for the trademark registry to ...50,X,X,X,42,X,50,44,X,X can take anywhere between 8 months to 2 years for the Trademark Office to decide whether or not to grant you the trademark; if there are objections from the ...X,52,47,47,X,53,X,X,47,51
URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings USPTO trademark registration process is not as complicated as patenting. If certain steps are done correctly and promptly, a trademark application can get ...X,44,35,35,X,41,X,X,35,41 deadlines are generally at the 6-year anniversary of the registration date, the 10-year anniversary, and every ten years thereafter. Unlike patents, ...40,X,X,X,34,X,40,37,X,X
URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings 22, 2018 - Mar 22, 2018 These timelines show the steps and time frames for processing a trademark application and maintaining a trademark registration. Applying to ...1,X,X,X,1,X,X,X,X,X States Patent and Trademark Office (.gov) United States Patent and Trademark Office (.gov) Mar 22, 2018 - Mar 22, 2018 These timelines show the steps and time frames for processing a trademark application and maintaining a trademark registration. Applying to ...X,X,X,X,X,X,1,X,X,X 22, 2018 - These timelines show the steps and time frames for processing a trademark application and maintaining a trademark registration. Applying to ...X,1,1,1,X,1,X,1,1,1
URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings YouTube 8:02 YouTube Elizabeth Potts Weinstein Oct 5, 2020 Oct 5, 2020 4 ... moments 4 key moments ...this video in this videoX,13,X,X,X,13,X,12,13,13 YouTube Elizabeth Potts Weinstein Oct 5, 2020 Oct 5, 2020 4 ... moments 4 key moments ...this video in this videoX,X,13,13,X,X,X,X,X,X
URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings typical trademark timeline is about 13 months. The trademark timeline is long because every trademark application is reviewed by the U.S. Patent and Trademark ...X,6,6,6,X,6,X,X,6,6 trademark takes between 12 to 18 months. A trademark usually takes between 12 to 18 months to get approved. Understand that the trademarking process is a ...5,X,X,X,5,X,5,6,X,X
URLAvg RankAppearance RateDescriptionRankings 16, 2022 - Find out more about how our copyright services can make the process easier for you. Trademark Engine is not a law firm and none of the ...X,40,X,X,X,X,X,34,X,X 16, 2022 - Copyright registration is a long process that requires many forms and several months of waiting. However, if you receive your official ...39,X,37,37,33,42,39,X,37,42

Variant Keyword Volatility

Variant KeywordCountAppearance Rate
process timeline550%
time frame550%
time line880%
trade mark10100%
trade marks10100%
trade marks timeline10100%
trademark flowchart10100%
trademark process10100%
trademark process timeline10100%
trademark timeline10100%

Search Result Snapshot

OrdinalURLLink TextDescription
0,as%20long%20as%20it%20does.#fsHow long does it take to register? - USPTO
1 for the trademark application and post-registration ...Mar 22, 2018 — Mar 22, 2018 These timelines show the steps and time frames for processing a trademark application and maintaining a trademark registration. Applying to ...
2 Trademark Process and Timeline - EsquireTrademarksFeb 6, 2023 — Once Your Trademark Application Is Filed, the entire trademark process takes 10-12 months. Office actions and third party oppositions can extend ...
3 Long Does it Take to Get a Trademark? (Updated for 2023)Jan 1, 2023 — Trademark Process Timeline ; USPTO reviews the application, 4 - 6 months ; Responding to the Office Action (unless there are no issues), 6 months.
4 is the process of getting a trademark? A step-by-step ...Dec 9, 2021 — trademark TIMELINE OVERVIEW · 1 Day to 1 Week · Timeline: 1 to 2 Weeks · Timeline: 8 to 9 months · Timeline: 30 DAY PERIOD FROM PUBLICATION DATE ...
5 Long Does It Take To Get A Trademark - ALL YOU NEED ...A trademark takes between 12 to 18 months. A trademark usually takes between 12 to 18 months to get approved. Understand that the trademarking process is a ...
6 Ultimate Guide to Trademark RegistrationOnce your application is filed, it takes several months before the registration process is complete. Your application must go through the examination and ...
7 Timeline - Mandour & AssociatesA typical trademark timeline is about 9 months from the time of filing until registration. For more information or assistance please click here.
8 Long Does It Take to Get a Trademark? (2023 Update)1. Trademark Process Timeline · From filing to USPTO Examining Attorney: 9-10 months · Examining Attorney review period (and/or Office Action Response, if ...
9 Timeline - How the Trademark Process WorksTrademark Timeline - How the Trademark Process Works · Search / Due Diligence & Filing (0 months) · Internal Review: Examination by the U.S. Trademark Office (10 ...
10 long does it take to register a trademark? - LegalZoomAlthough the entire trademark registration process may take more than a year to complete, you attain trademark protection from the moment your application ...
11 Long Does It Take to Register a Trademark? [Infographic]Feb 25, 2019 — The federal trademark application and registration process isn't quick. Take a look at the Trademark Timeline infographic below, ...
12 the USPTO Trademark Timeline and ...Mar 10, 2020 — Approximately 1 month after approval, the mark will publish in the OG for a 30-day opposition period. Any party who believes it would be harmed ...
13 for Trademark Registration Process - LegalWiz.inJun 25, 2019 — One of the primary stages of trademark registration is the collection of documents, drafting, and filing of the trademark application will take ...
14 process - EUIPO - European UnionFrom the date of publication onwards, third parties who believe your trade mark should not be registered have three months to object. There are usually two ...
15 Long Does It Take To Get a Trademark?Trademark rights can be very important, and the process to get a trademark registered can take some time. While the timing can be dependent on the specific ...
16 Trademark Timeline - Patentably DefinedAug 28, 2022 — Examiner approves the application – timeline: between 8 months: The USPTO will review your application about 8 months after it is filed. If the ...
17 Timeline of a Trademark ApplicationSep 15, 2021 — Filing a trademark registration can be an extremely lengthy process. One made longer if you decide to try and go it alone the first time ...
18 Registration Process & Top 2 Ways to Avoid DelaysIf you receive an office action or opposition, the timeline to registration will be significantly extended. You must file a response to an office action within ...
19 long does the trademark process take?A typical timeline · Conduct a search for similar marks · Prepare and submit your application · Pay the required fees · Monitor the status (at least every six ...
20 roadmap – Your path to trademark registrationFeb 11, 2021 — IP roadmap – Your path to trademark registration · 1 – Filing (applicant) · 2 – Filing date issued (CIPO) · 3 – Examination: checking for ...
21 for Trademark Registration Process in India – OverviewFeb 13, 2021 — In the past, the timeline for trademark registration process would take almost 15 to 18 months, but now the timeline for trademark ...
22 Long Does It Take to Register a Trademark? - UpCounselApplications for federal trademarks must be submitted to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The USPTO website explains that the complexity of the ...
23't wait for your trademark registration? Here's ... - LinkedInOct 2, 2021 — Expedite the registration process Everyone wants to register a trademark fast. However, the process of securing a trademark registration is ...
24 Application, Prosecution Process, and TimelinesNov 11, 2021 — The Registrar then issues an Examination Report citing the objections against the mark (if any) or else can straightaway accept the said ...
25 System: Filing International Trademark ApplicationsThere are five basic steps in the process of filing an international trademark application through WIPO's Madrid System:.
26 Long Does It Take To Register A TrademarkThe process to register trademarks tends to be time-consuming and can span over a year. Due to the various stages that a trademark application must undergo, the ...
27 long does it take to get a trademark? - Miller IP LawOn average it takes about 1 year from start to finish. · Trademark Application Process · Potential Delays For Your Trademark Application · Top Blog Articles.
28 long will it take to receive a trademark registration once a ...Application is filed · Application is reviewed by a trademark examiner 3-4 months after the application is filed · Application is approved for publication about 2 ...
29 to expedite your trademark registration?May 17, 2022 — The trademark application can be expedited by filing a petition to make special. By filing the petition to make special, your trademark ...
30 Marks Application Process & Flowchart - MyIPOEN · BM · faq l contactus l aduan l petalaman · The Official Portal of Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia.
31 1(b) INTENT-TO-USE APPLICATION TIMELINEThe term “abandoned” means that the application process has ended and the trademark will not register. Filing fees are not refunded when applications abandon.
32 Timeline-An Overview of the ... - ShinyRiseTrademark Timeline-An Overview of the Trademark Registration Process ... Your timeline depends on the filing basis you select in your application. The flowchart ...
33 Trademark Timeline for Small BusinessesAlways be sure to use the mark as it is listed on your trademark registration and keep up with renewal dates. For new trademarks, the first renewal occurs ...
34 the Taiwan trademark application process and ...Oct 8, 2020 — Registration timeline. The time from trademark application date to publication of the registration can be from eight to 12 months. However, if ...
35 THE TRADEMARK REGISTRATION ...The purpose of this article is to explain the timeline of the trademark registration process. The trademark registration process can be separated into ...
36 Trademark Registration Timeline | NexTrend LegalThese 30 days give any owner of a registered mark time to file an objection/opposition with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board to state that their mark would ...
37 most common questions about the UK trade mark ...Dec 7, 2021 — Trade Mark Registration Process Timeline* · 1. Pre-filing Investigations · 2. File at Registry · 3. Examination · 4. Publication · 5. Opposition ...
38 and Stages of Trademark Registration - TaxGuruFeb 23, 2022 — In a nutshell, a trademark registration application is filed with the Trade Marks Registry's Head Office or a branch office in the territory ...
39 Completion – A Timeline From Application to ...Jun 16, 2022 — Copyright registration is a long process that requires many forms and several months of waiting. However, if you receive your official ...
40 is the cost and process for filing a trademark application?Renewal deadlines are generally at the 6-year anniversary of the registration date, the 10-year anniversary, and every ten years thereafter. Unlike patents, ...
41 Milestones to Trademark Registration - Smith & HopenJan 10, 2020 — The timeline for federal trademark registration typically takes one year but that often depends on the strategy for filing.
42 Registration Process in Argentina - HG.orgHow long does a trademark registration take? Normally, the procedure takes between 16 and 18 months depending on contingencies that may arise in it. What events ...
43 briefly about Timeline for Trademark Registration ...The ministry has now become more pro-active and made the process of registering a trademark much faster. However, earlier, the timeline for trademark ...
44 application process in mainland China - IAM mediaSep 3, 2020 — It currently takes around 11 months for a smooth trademark application to proceed to registration. The process of a national trademark ...
45 Registration ProcessAfter an applicant files a trademark application with the USPTO, the application enters a cue and waits to be assigned to an examining attorney. Typically, the ...
46 overview of trademark registration timeline in Costa RicaNov 10, 2018 — There is a two-month period for third- party opposition. If an opposition is filed, it will delay the process for approximately 3-6 months. If ...
47 for Trademark Registration Process in India - EbizfilingMay 18, 2022 — Previously, the time it takes to register a trademark in India is 15-18 months, but currently, assuming there are no objections, the time it ...
48 Filing TimelineIt generally takes somewhere between 12 to 18 months for registering a trademark with the USPTO. The whole trademark registration process involves different ...
49 1b Intent to Use: Application TimelineThis is the same process that occurs prior to publication of the mark if the examining attorney determines that legal requirements must be met. The process and ...
50 registration india cost, procedure and timelineThe application for the trademark can be filed within a few days and you can start using the “TM” symbol. And the time required for the trademark registry to ...
51 Process and their timeline Top10 in 2022 - AreawalaProcess of Trademark in India ; Fill-up Trademark Application – 1-2 Working days ; Send to Vienna Codification – 5-10 Working Days ; Formality Check Fail – Vary ...
52 Of A Trademark Application - The Legalpreneur2. The Examination – This step takes 3-4 months, and this is when the USPTO's trademark attorney conducts its exam to determine whether likelihood of confusion ...
53 marks examination process - IP Australia
54 Union: trade mark application timelineEuropean Union: trade mark application timeline MATHYS & SQUIRE EXPERTISE. TRADE MARKS. Registration granted.
55 of the Trademark Process + a Trademark Timeline ...Apr 10, 2018 — The time it takes for a trademark to register can vary depending on whether or not there are any challenges with the application, but generally ...
56 Trade Mark Application timeline - Withers & RogersThis time line is based on the procedure for filing an International Registration under the Madrid Protocol. Please contact a trade mark attorney for an ...
57 Flowchart and Prosecution in India - S.S. Rana & Co.The Trademark Flowchart enumerates the various steps involved in filing and prosecution of a trademark application in India. Trade Mark Application. Trademark ...
58 from application to registrationWhat happens to your application? Trademark registration procedure · Receipt of application. Upon receipt of your trademark application, confirmation of receipt ...
59 Trademarks Process - Alyafi IP GroupThe registration process takes 5-6 months to be completed. Registration of a mark in the UAE covers the seven Emirates of Abu-Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ras Al- ...
60 trends in trademark application timelinesSep 26, 2012 — Recent trends in trademark application timelines · 4-5 weeks (30 days) from Publication to the end of the opposition period · 4-5 weeks from the ...
61 1(a) USE-BASED APPLICATION TIMELINEThe term “abandoned” means that the application process has ended and the trademark will not register. Filing fees are not refunded when applications abandon.
62 is the Cost and Timeline to Trademark a Business Name?Oct 21, 2021 — Filing a trademark is a tedious process that needs to move through various bureaucracies before being approved. The average wait time for a ...
63 Application Timeline - Kunkle LawOct 24, 2017 — While there is no absolute answer – for most applications the trademark application process takes between 8-12 months and can be broken into ...
64 registration process - Law Offices of Matthew ...Mar 12, 2020 — While it may seem like a daunting task and does take some time (approximately six months without any bumps in the road), registering a trademark ...
65 Long Does it Take to Register a Trademark in Australia?Registering a trademark can be a lengthy process and the time dedicated to ... can about trademark registration can help to clarify and map out a timeline ...
66 Registration Services - Artful ContractsWe always start with a consultation call to make sure we're on the same page about your brand. We'll go over the trademark process, timeline, ...
67 Registration: When Should I Register My ...Simply put, if your application is submitted and no issues arise, such as opposition to your trademark or various legal technicalities the USPTO might need ...
68 process - Trade marks - IPONZExamination process · 1. Application filed. Your trade mark application for registration must meet legal requirements. · 2. First examination · 3. Acceptance or ...
69 Should You Start The Trademark Process?Nov 3, 2022 — All in all, businesses can expect the entire trademark registration process to take around one year from start to finish. The application must ...
70 registration timelineJun 1, 2018 — Trademark registration timeline ... When an application is filed based on use of the mark in commerce and when there are no hiccups, the fastest ...
71 Application Timeline - Chicago Corporate LawyerFiling a trademark application commences the legal process with the USPTO and there are several legal requirements and deadlines that must be met, as well as ...
72 Registration Process and Procedure in IndiaOnce the Trademark registration application is filed with the Trademark Registrar, a trademark application allotment number is provided within one or two ...
73 Registration Timeline | Erik M Pelton & Associates ...May 3, 2018 — Each trademark application with the USPTO is unique. The application process is lengthy and complex, and features multiple stages or steps.
74 of the Federal Trademark Registration ProcessJul 21, 2022 — Roughly 6 to 8 months after the application is filed your trademark is assigned to a trademark examining attorney in USPTO. Traditionally this ...
75 Trademark FAQ - Heer LawJan 16, 2023 — The entire application process, from filing to registration, generally takes 24 to 42 months if there are no objections from an examiner or ...
76 Registration - globomark ip​Publication & Opposition. After the Trademark Office determines that you have met the filing requirements, your trademark application shall be published for ...
77 China Trademark Process ExplainedJan 18, 2022 — The entire China trademark process can take quite a long time to complete, with an average of 20-24 months. However, companies such as Hongda ...
78 Marks timeline - GOV.UKTrade Marks timeline. You ... Check if anyone else has already registered your trade mark ... The trade mark classes and terms you want to register.
79 Long Does It Take To Register A Trademark?If your trademark is opposed and both parties are willing to go all the way, you can easily add a year or two to how long the whole process is going to take.
80 to Check Trademark Status or See if Something is ...Jul 12, 2022 — The timeline for the trademark application process varies. For marks already in use or for which you have a bona fide intent to use, the process ...
81タグ: Trademark timeline - MARKS IP LAW FIRMApr 11, 2021 — As a background, it should be noted that the entire trademark process for general examination at the JPO (the total time of application from ...
82's Guide to The Trademark Renewal TimelineThere is a bit more to maintaining a trademark than simply applying. The first thing you need to do to keep a trademark active is to use it. A trademark is ...
83 FAQs - Texas Secretary of StateDo I have to use an attorney to apply to register a mark? Can I expedite the review of my application? If I drive to Austin, will you process my application ...
84 a trade mark : Overview - GOV.UKIf there are no issues, it usually takes around 3 to 4 months from application for your trade mark to be granted. View a timeline of the process.
85 you need to know about EU Trademark FilingIt covers all the 27 Member States of the European Union. The timeframe for registering a European Union trademark is approximately 4-5 months provided there is ...
86 a Federal Trademark Application FAQ - NoloOnce a trademark or service mark is placed on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's (USPTO's) Principal Register, the owner receives a certificate of ...
87 - InapiThere are four key stages to a trademark application: filing, preliminary examination, publication, and substantive examination. 1. Filing: Do not ...
88 Does the US Trademark Application Process Work?As a result of the vast number of trademark applications filed every year, it will be at least 5-6 months before the USPTO assigns your application to a ...
89 Registration for DepartmentsEmail us at: General Process and Timeline for Registration. • Contact Office of Trademark Licensing for initial discussion.
90 long does it take to register a trademark ... - Amazing DXApr 28, 2022 — As of March 2022, the time from application to trademark registration is approximately 7-12 months. After a trademark application is filed, the ...
91 to Cut the Time to Register a Trademark in HalfJul 19, 2022 — Federal trademark registration with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is not a quick process. As the Trademark Timeline at the ...
92 - Colorado Secretary of State - Business FAQsThe trademark must be renewed during the timeframe of 180 days prior to the expiration date or the trademark will expire. Expired trademarks cannot be ...
93 is the basic process and timeline for obtaining a ...Here is the basic process and timeline for obtaining a ..., Facebook at CAUSE Law Office. 3 minutes, 46 seconds. Mar 4, 2022.
94 to Register - IPOSExamination Process for an International Registration/Subsequent Designation · At this stage, your application will be published in the Trade Marks Journal for ...
95 Registration Flowchart - MondaqFederal Trademark Registration Flowchart. Application Based on Use. Application Based on Intent to Use. To find out more please access our IP Primer page.
96 Long Does it Take to Get a Trademark?TRADEMARK TIMELINE. From the date of submission of the trademark application, the applicant can reasonably expect to receive a notice of either a ...
97 Application Process in Canada - Business LawyerYou will then obtain an official Registration Certificate usually about 4 weeks later. The timeline for the entire process can vary anywhere from 12 months to ...
100 USPTO REGISTRATION PROCESS FOR ...YouTube · TrademarkLawyer12 minutes, 53 secondsDec 1, 202012:53TRADEMARK USPTO REGISTRATION PROCESS FOR ...YouTube · TrademarkLawyer12 minutes, 53 secondsDec 1, 2020

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